Price Calculator

Total (Including GST) : $56.00

Gallery-wrapped canvas photo prints are a beautiful way to personalise any room in your home. Choose to have either one of your prized photos printed on high-quality, stretched canvas, or select and customise a photo from our extensive canvas art photo gallery.

Your collection of photos tells the story of your life. And nothing captures the narrative of your journey better than one of our canvas print wall displays. From your wedding day to fun-filled experiences with family and friends, a wall display will bring your stories alive!

Please contact us if you have any queries at our Pambula office on (02) 6495 7320 or fill in our online form to request a quote

300 x 300mm1$56.00
300 x 420mm (A3)1$56.00
400 x 400mm1$66.00
600 x 420mm (A2)1$85.00
300 x 800mm1$91.00
400 x 1200mm1$145.00
500 x 1500mm1$175.00
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